| DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS FEBRUARY 01, 2004 PRE REGISTRATION BY MAIL OR FAX **Enclosed is my Money Order in the amount of $ ________________
for the division of___________________________________________
made payable to: Mas Oyama's Memorial Gold Cup
3677 Boul. St. Jean
Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec
H9G 1X2 Please read the following and sign below. All minors under 18 years of age MUST have a parent or guardian's signature. This MUST be returned with application. The participant agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the MAS OYAMA'S MEMORIAL CUP, Lester B. Pearson High School or any of their officers, agents, employees or any individuals connected with the organization or promotion of any of THE EVENTS, and the participant expressly assumes all risks of whatsoever nature resulting from participation therein. Additionally, I am fully aware of my personal medical conditions and hereby certify that I am mentally and physically fit to compete in THE EVENTS. Last, I hereby waive any compensation of whatever kind for use of pictures, videotape or other likenesses or reproductions for media coverage, press releases or interviews utilized by those producing or directing this event at any time.
Signature:______________________ Parent or Guardian (if under 18 yrs):___________________________ _____ Check here to review all the information/blanks above to make sure everything is filled out completely! ***FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL US YOUR APPLICATION AT: shihanroman@videotron.ca*** |