
Here you will find some information you can use to prepare you for your grading. I hope this information helps you in giving you a better understanding on how to get your body prepare for the grading. You are not required to follow this system, It is up to you to use or not this information.

Physical Preparation

This system is called “rest-based training” which takes interval training to a whole other level. All you have to do is follow  along with the workouts, push as hard as you can, then rest when you need to. You don’t pace yourself during these exercise work until you can not work any more and then rest until you are able to keep working on your exercises.

Three Workouts:

In each phase you will find three different workouts. During each phase you simply rotate through these workouts. Keep in mind that you can do three different levels of workout intensity: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Just do the one that suits you.

Three Times a Week:

This system have totally different approach to the long-form cardio you may have grown accustomed to. When it comes to exercise more is not better. Better is better. With this state-of-the art system 15 minutes of work 3 times per week is all that is required.

This rest-based training model allows you to push harder while you are exercising, creating a Metabolic Effect, a set of hormonal and metabolic changes that keep you burning fat for up to 2-3 days after the workout is over. This is when the real fat burning magic happens, and it’s what makes this program different from other form of exercise.

Phase 1 provides the spark to reawaken your sleeping metabolism. Think of this phase like upgrading your metabolic spark plugs that bring your metabolic engine alive. On this phase you will get the following benefits:


Full body movements that develop your fitness levels, producing quick adaptations towards coordination and balance…


A whole-body metabolic stimulus that ignites fat burning and muscle shaping in a way isolated exercises simply can not achieve…


And special “metabolic finishers” (Vibration exercises) that naturally elevate growth hormone – the fat-burning, skin-tightening hormone of our youth…



ROUND 1 3:75 Minutes   ROUND 2 3:75 Minutes
15:00 14:15 4 Pushups + 4 Batman Superset   11:15 10:30 4 Pushups + 4 Batman Superset
14:15 13:30 4 Squats + 4 Half Squats Superset   10:30 9:45 4 Squats + 4 Half Squats Superset
13:30 12:45 4 Hips Thrust Superset (4 times each leg)   9:45 9:00 4 Hips Thrust Superset (4 times each leg)
12:45 12:00 Overhead Squeeze + Squat   9:00 8:15 Overhead Squeeze + Squat
12:00 11:15 Tension Rep Pushups (Burnout)   8:15 7:30 Pulsing Batman's


ROUND 3 3:75 Minutes   ROUND 4 3:75 Minutes
7:30 6:45 4 Pushups + 4 Batman Superset   3:45 3:00 4 Pushups + 4 Batman Superset
6:45 6:00 4 Squats + 4 Half Squats Superset   3:00 2:15 4 Squats + 4 Half Squats Superset
6:00 5:15 4 Hips Thrust Superset (4 times each leg)   2:15 1:30 4 Hips Thrust Superset (4 times each leg)
5:15 4:30 Overhead Squeeze + Squat   1:30 0:45 Overhead Squeeze + Squat
4:30 3:45 Tension Rep Squat   0:45 0:00 Half Rep Hip Thrust (feet on the floor)


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ROUND 1 3:75 Minutes   ROUND 2 3:75 Minutes
15:00 14:15 Windshield Wipers   11:15 10:30 Windshield Wipers
14:15 13:30 Static Lunge superset (4 times each leg)   10:30 9:45 Static Lunge superset (4 times each leg)
13:30 12:45 4 Dive Bombers + 4 Breast Stroke Superset   9:45 9:00 4 Dive Bombers + 4 Breast Stroke Superset
12:45 12:00 4 High Thrust + Back Raise Superset   9:00 8:15 4 High Thrust + Back Raise Superset
12:00 11:15 Pulsing Pushups (Burnout)   8:15 7:30 Pulsing Superman's


ROUND 3 3:75 Minutes   ROUND 4 3:75 Minutes
7:30 6:45 Windshield Wipers   3:45 3:00 Windshield Wipers
6:45 6:00 Static Lunge superset (4 times each leg)   3:00 2:15 Static Lunge superset (4 times each leg)
6:00 5:15 4 Dive Bombers + 4 Breast Stroke Superset   2:15 1:30 4 Dive Bombers + 4 Breast Stroke Superset
5:15 4:30 4 High Thrust + Back Raise Superset   1:30 0:45 4 High Thrust + Back Raise Superset
4:30 3:45 Back Raise Pulsing Squeeze   0:45 0:00 Pulsing Lunges


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ROUND 1 3:75 Minutes   ROUND 2 3:75 Minutes
15:00 14:15 Bulgarian Split Squat Superset (4 times each leg)   11:15 10:30 Bulgarian Split Squat Superset (4 times each leg)
14:15 13:30 Overhead Squeezing Alternating Lunge   10:30 9:45 Overhead Squeezing Alternating Lunge
13:30 12:45 Side Arms Squeezing Squat   9:45 9:00 Side Arms Squeezing Squat
12:45 12:00 Staggered Hand Pushup Superset (4 times each side)   9:00 8:15 Staggered Hand Pushup Superset (4 times each side)
12:00 11:15 Rep Chain Pushups   8:15 7:30 Bulgarian Split Squat-Left Leg


ROUND 3 3:75 Minutes   ROUND 4 3:75 Minutes
7:30 6:45 Bulgarian Split Squat Superset (4 times each leg)   3:45 3:00 Bulgarian Split Squat Superset (4 times each leg)
6:45 6:00 Overhead Squeezing Alternating Lunge   3:00 2:15 Overhead Squeezing Alternating Lunge
6:00 5:15 Side Arms Squeezing Squat   2:15 1:30 Side Arms Squeezing Squat
5:15 4:30 Staggered Hand Pushup Superset (4 times each side)   1:30 0:45 Staggered Hand Pushup Superset (4 times each side)
4:30 3:45 Bulgarian Split Squat-Right Leg   0:45 0:00 Overhead Squeezing + Side Arm Squeezing



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For more information contact your teacher, sensei Angel Carrasco at 669 - 5731 or e-mail him at: