Shihan Roman Szyrajew first started his karate training around 1969 under Sensei Roger Lesourd, who brought Kyokushin Karate to Quebec when he returned from Japan, and stayed with him until he was 1st kyu. He then studied under numerous instructors until he went to Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1980 to meet with Shihan Shigeru Oyama, joined with him, and trained under him for over 10 years. During this time, Roman participated in many seminars with Shihan Y. Oyama and Shihan Miura. Under Shigeru Oyama's tutelage, Shihan Roman received his Sandan and Yondan certificates. Shihan Roman was the Canadian Representative for the North American Kyokushin Organization during this association. Shihan Roman also had the privilege of studying with Shihan Steve Arneil during his business trips to England, going two or three times a year for periods of one to two weeks at a time. "I have learned a tremendous amount from Shihan S. Oyama and Shihan S. Arneil, and thank them enormously on all phases of Budo Kyokushin training."

Roman attended the World Tournament in November 1991 where he met Oyama Sosai for the first time and was appointed Canadian Branch Chief. In July 1992, he had the honor of teaching for two weeks at Sensei Marc Van Walleghem's dojo in Antwerpen, Belgium. Roman and Marc have remained steadfast friends since the time they first met at the 1991 World Tournament. In May 1993, Roman had the pleasure of experiencing the Yugawara Camp where he was graded by Sosai Oyama to Godan and received his Kyoshi Certificate (Instructor's Certificate). Roman also holds a Referee Certificate from Honbu. Roman participated in the Oyama Cup in Katowicia, Poland, in 1993. After the tournament, he had the honor of sitting with Oyama Sosai at a restaurant and speaking with him. Sadly, it was to be the last time before Sosai's death. In April 1994, he flew to Japan, like so many hundreds of other karatekas, to attend Sosai's memorial ceremony.

Roman was one of the first to support Matsui Kancho upon his nomination as director of the International Karate Organization (IKO). He trained under his leadership and attended several seminars in Japan, including the Mt.Mitsumine Camp. He has also had the honor of training under Shihan Isobe and Shihan Royama during his trips to Japan. He had the privilege of training with Shihan John Taylor at Yugawara Camp under Matsui Kancho. Shihan Roman participated in the 1995 World Tournament, entering his student, Sensei Joe Addesso, as a competitor. In July 1997, Shihan Roman sent one of his student to Japan to train as Uchi-deshi at Honbu.

Shihan Roman personally helped many dojos to grow and prosper for free for over 20 years before opening his own in 1991 because of the love he has for the martial arts and what it has done for him. During that time, he promoted Kyokushin Karate on many television programs with students of all ages. Among these TV programs, there are two best and most memorable ones: "YOU ASKED FOR IT", which was broadcast over 100 stations on national television and hosted by comedian Rich Little; and "THE PIERRE LALONDE SHOW", a well-known variety special in Quebec. Some of the feats he performed were: breaking two baseball bats simultaneously with one blow from the sune (shin); breaking ten blocks of cement with shuto (Knife hand) and hiji (elbow); and breaking (with shuto) six blocks of ice measuring 10 inches thick and 39 inches long, doused with gasoline an set aflame.

Throughout the years, there were many people Shihan Roman worked and trained with, and received enormous support from. Among them Shihan Stuart Corrigal of Vancouver, Canada, and Shihan Bobby Lowe of Hawaii. Roman joined Shihan Corrigal many times at karate camps as well as teach at Shihan Corrigal's dojo. He has high admiration for him and considers Shihan Stuart a very long-time friend. Shihan Roman participated in numerous clinics with Shihan Lowe and thanks him for all his knowledge and for his advice.

Learning from all the above teachers has made Shihan Roman a far more complete karateka in true Budo spirit. Shihan Roman is known for teaching hard and strenuous classes in the old style, which is harder and rougher. He continues to promote Mas. Oyama's Kyokushin Karate at his own dojo and forms others under his supervision.

As of December 1997, Roman has resigned from IKO-1 and is now affiliated with IKO-3 under  Shihan Yoshikazu Matsushima and Shihan John Taylor as Canadian Country Representative and Branch Chief. Shihan Roman also is the Chairman of the North America Kyokushinkai Organization.


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