Test Result
December 2, 2001, January 25, 2002
The student give their first tried, on December 2, 2001 is a was a good effort they put into, and they did an excellent demonstration of they spirit when they perform their Kumite, however on their Katas performance they did not perform as well as they should, so they were asked to do a retest on January 25, 2001, as reminded that in order to pass a grade the students not only must perform well in fighting but also on all the others aspects according to their requirements. On their retest they did a good performance with theirs Katas, which allow them to pass to their next level on their grade. Congratulation to all of them. OSU!
Results on January 25, 2002:
Edwin Sabugo : To Yellow Stripe (7 Kyu). Congratulations!
Teresa Castro : To Blue Belt (8 Kyu) . Congratulations!
Remi Zbaraszeoski : To Blue Belt (8 Kyu) . Congratulations!